Having a website for your business is non-negotiable. Even if you operate entirely on-premise, most consumers will visit your website before stepping through your doors—whether to check hours, or get a sense for your offering. 

It doesn’t need to be vast or complicated, but it does need to reflect your brand and the experience you deliver.

A professional, well designed website showcases your business and brand in the best possible light. It helps pique your customers’ interest and drive awareness with a wider audience, and builds credibility for your business and brand.

NiceDay is a Charlotte-based branding and web design agency ready to help you elevate your online presence with a beautifully designed, custom-built website.

Your customers are online–are you?

On point.

We help Charlotte businesses transform into end-to-end brand experiences. When it comes to web design, our goal is to showcase your brand’s unique identity online and give customers a taste of the IRL experience.

  • Brand-based
    Even the most well designed websites aren’t effective if they don’t accurately reflect who you are as a business and a brand. Your website is an extension of your brand identity. So, we always start with an in-depth look at your brand–including your mission, values, personality, voice & visuals. 

  • Intuitive & user-friendly
    Our websites are designed with the customer in mind. What information are they looking for? What device are they using? We make sure your site is intuitive and easy to use, and bridge the gap between your brand identity and the customer experience.

  • Mobile-first
    Charlotte’s getting younger and increasingly mobile-first. As more consumers discover your business on their phones, it’s critical that your website works seamlessly on the small screen. 

  • Built to be found
    We leverage industry-leading SEO techniques to drive traffic to your site and boost visibility for your business. We also implement Google Analytics to monitor your site’s performance once it’s live.


Q: What if I’m too busy/not tech-savvy enough to manage a website?

A: That’s okay! We understand that running your business is (literally) a full-time job. We work with you to determine the best way to manage the website post-launch. If you choose to do it in-house, we’ll teach you what you need to know. Or, you can hire us to handle the updates ourselves.

Q: How much do your web design and development services cost?

A: Pricing varies project to project based on how big, complex or interactive the website needs to be, as well as which platform is used to build it. Once we have a clear understanding of the project scope, we will provide you with a quote.

Q: How long will it take to build my website?

A: From design to deployment, a site typically takes anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks (depending on how complex it is and which platform we use to build it). 


Check out our work in action.


Ready to elevate your business online?