At NiceDay, we turn business concepts into authentic, cohesive brand experiences. We believe that great branding has the power to connect people and build communities—but it takes more than just a well-designed logo.

Great branding is equal parts art and science, blending creative and strategy to humanize the business in a way that feels honest, authentic and relatable.


Your brand is who your business or product is—its core identity, from how it looks, sounds and feels to what it does and stands for. It includes elements within your control (such as your mission, tone of voice, visual style, logos and fonts), as well as some outside of your control (like how it’s perceived by others).

Branding is the practice of defining that identity.

 (Spoiler alert: the more thoughtful and intentional you are with the brand elements you can control, the more influence you have over those you can’t.)

Of course, we get excited to create beautiful, aesthetic brand visuals. But branding isn’t just about looking good. It has a real impact on public perception, and your bottom line.

There’s a myth that people – especially younger generations – don’t value or trust brands. But that’s not true at all. People rely on branding to help them navigate an over-crowded landscape.

 78% of U.S. consumers believe that the quality of a retailer’s brand is a reflection of the retailer’s overall quality.

Learn more about reaching Charlotte’s millennial and gen z audiences here.

 Effective branding has the power to …

  • Make you more recognizable and memorable

  • Increase conversions

  • Improve employee retention

  • Drive sales

  • Expand your reach

 People don’t mistrust branding. They mistrust inconsistent or inauthentic brands.

For example, imagine you run a local restaurant. If your website and social media profiles depict a high-end, romantic dining experience that feels moody and intimate, but the actual space is brightly lit and noisy, guests are going to feel thrown off. No matter how great the food and service are, if it didn’t meet their expectations, they may still leave feeling disappointed.

That’s why it’s crucial to invest in delivering a cohesive, authentic brand experience that reflects your brand identity no matter where consumers engage with you.



Whether building a new brand for a new business concept or refreshing an existing brand identity, our goal is to create a fresh, eye-catching brand that you love and that authentically reflects your business. We do that in three phases:


We ask a LOT of questions, digging into the nitty-gritty of the who, why, and who-for of your business. What inspired you to start it? What makes it unique? We pay attention to the details. We take note of what you get the most excited to talk about, and we start to pick out key themes to inform our strategy.


Next, we start to build a brand strategy for your business. This includes doing a brand analysis of your main competitors, creating audience personas for your target market, and defining your brand heart—including your purpose, mission, vision and values.


Once we’re all aligned on the strategy, it’s time to start creating! Our team goes to work crafting brand visuals and messaging—from mood boards to logos, fonts and graphical elements, to your brand story, tone of voice and tagline.

 Every project is different, but we approach each one with the same energy and intention. We remain collaborative and conversational every step of the way. We offer guidance and recommendations based on our experience, and we make tweaks and edits based on your feedback and vision.

 Once it’s all done, we compile everything into a brand style guide that you can use to ensure your marketing and communications are all consistent, effective and on-brand.


Check out our branding work in action.


Ready to kick off your own branding project?