10 Must-Ask Questions Before Hiring a Creative Marketing Studio


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So…you’re in the market for creative marketing support but don’t know where to start.

The good news is that we’ve got you covered.

The bad news is that if you want to do it right, hiring a creative marketing studio takes time.

Today, everyone seems to be a designer, brand strategist, or consultant.

Take a Facebook Pixel class? Of course, I can manage $10M+ in ad campaign dollars!

Register a Canva account? Of course, I can create your brand!

In a world where branding, design, and marketing can make or break your ability to succeed, you need to make certain that whoever you hire understands what it takes to be successful and to deliver results that move the needle.

So, what questions should you be asking when shopping for a creative marketing studio?

Vendor Vs. Partner Marketing Agency


Before we get into our must-ask questions, it’s important to understand that a fundamental difference exists with agencies today—some are vendors and some are partners.

A vendor agency is transactional based.

You hire them for a specific task and the agency delivers accordingly.

Vendor agencies follow the ‘what you see is what you get’ mentality, never taking a step towards understanding anything outside of what they need to deliver.

A partner agency is business and relationship based.

You hire them to become an extension of your business model.

They invest the necessary time and energy in understanding your business and often believe in shared success; if you can be successful, then they can also be successful.

It’s important to note that the type of agency you need is based on individual circumstances.

Vendor agencies are great for businesses just getting started while partner agencies are great for those scaling their business or those that exist in a highly commoditized industry.

10 Must-Ask Questions Before Hiring a Creative Marketing Studio

In the event you decide a partner agency is right for you, here are 10 questions you must ask when hiring a creative marketing studio:

1. Are they the right fit?

Like shoes, not all marketing agencies are the right fit.

You’re going to spend a lot of time communicating and collaborating with the partner you select, so it is critically important to find one that fits you.

Consider factors such as personality types, beliefs, workplace culture, flexibility, vision, services offered, and costs.

Pro Tip: We suggest you have at least two live or in-person conversations with any agency you are considering. Spend time discussing both work and personal topics which will help offer insight into many of the aforementioned factors.

2. Are they everything to everyone?

It is important to realize that you might not find everything you’re looking for with one agency.

While this might mean more work on your end having to find multiple partners, it also means those that you elect to partner with will be highly skilled in certain disciplines.

During conversation, be sure to ask the agency what they specialize in prior to sharing details on what services you need.

Pay close attention to their answer.

As you share with them your needs, does their answer change or do they have recommendations on other partners?

3. Can they solve your problem(s)?

You’re hunting for a creative marketing studio because you have a problem that needs solving.

When meeting with your prospective agency, be clear about your problem from the onset.

Depending on the project size and scope, you’ll often receive a proposal with a basic strategy and supporting tactics.

This is not a bad thing.

What is bad, however, is you not learning more about how this strategy and supporting tactics will help to solve your unique problems.

Ask them to go into detail.

This gives your potential partner an opportunity to share their professional opinions and you an opportunity to gather more data to make the right decision.

4. Who have they worked with?

Never hire a creative marketing agency without looking at their body of work.

Peek into their portfolio.

Look at the results delivered for different clients within different industries and find out how they solved the original problem presented to them.

Pro Tip: Consider asking for client testimonials, certifications, and awards, if applicable.

5. Do they have experience in your industry?

Finding a partner with experience in your industry is always a major plus.

They are more in tune with industry trends, competitors, and general dos and don’ts.

It’s also likely that they will have a network of additional resources that might come in handy for you down the road.

Pro Tip: Don’t overvalue industry experience. If a creative agency has the right infrastructure and professionals in place, they can accommodate any industry or business type.

6. Have they worked with your competitors?

The last thing you need is a partner who is also working to increase sales for your direct competition.

To avoid this scenario, be certain to ask if they are in contact with your competitors in any way.

This does not only mean inquiring about their current clients, but past clients as well.

Pro Tip: Take this line of questioning one step further and ask why they are no longer working with the competition if they had previously.

 7. What is their process?

To avoid disappointment later, have your prospective agency lay down its entire process from onboarding to offboarding.

Ask how they handle topics such as:

  • Onboarding

  • Billing

  • Revisions

  • Urgent Work

  • Usage and Copyrights

  • NDAs

  • Offboarding

Pro Tip: When discussing processes, don’t forget to talk about data security and privacy. In today’s day and age, how your partner handles this information is just as important as the ability for them to deliver a phenomenal service.

8. What is their vision?

You have dreams of growing your business. It’s why you are looking for creative support.

There is a famous quote that goes “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

The point?

Those you surround yourself with are often a reflection of who you are.

If you have great expectations for your business, it is important for your potential partner to think similarly about their business. You’ll feed off one another and share in one another’s success.

The type of agency you want to work with is one that can see and clearly articulate their future.

9. Who will be handling my account?

Marketing agencies usually designate a specific person to your account.

Before you sign your contract, meet that person.

Share expectations and understand what they consider best-in-class for someone in their role.

Ask questions such as:

  • How often will we meet?

  • How often will I receive report-outs?

  • How do you handle budgeting issues?

  • What is your preferred method of communicating and what is off limits?

  • How do we collaborate on projects in real time?

The ideal handler is someone who could be your brand's best friend.

10. How do they measure success?

Figuring out the right marketing equation for a business requires brilliant creative, top-notch leadership, and time. It does not happen overnight.

Any partner you select needs to be willing and able to:

  • Work in collaboration with you to ensure your vision and business strategy are driving the entire creative marketing process

  • Showcase quantitative and/or qualitative results from these efforts so that you may adjust strategies as necessary

Pro Tip: Let us be clear that a creative marketing studio, no matter how experienced and accomplished they may be, is not a cure-all for your business challenges; however, having a clear road map to what success looks like is a fair expectation to have of your partner.

Ready to ask us these 10 questions?

Focused on branding, design, and marketing we help businesses become brands that stand for more and demand attention.

If you’re on the hunt for a professional creative marketing studio, we’d love to chat.


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